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Search Results For "happi"
Getting married 'cuts Alzheimer's risk'
People who are married or who have a long-term partner are less likely to suffer from Alzheimer's in old age, according to a new scientific study.
search on: Getting-married-cuts-Alzheimers-risk
Brits would swap nationality for more romance
The vast majority of British men and women would swap their nationality if they had the choice, according to a new survey.
search on: Brits-would-swap-nationality-more-romance
Weight fluctuates 'according to relationship happi
So you have found your Mr Right and are living happily together in marital bliss, but ladies beware, love could make you pile on the pounds.
search on: Weight-fluctuates-'according-relationship-happi
Having 10 good friends 'makes you happy'
Having ten good friends is the secret to happiness, according to a new survey.
search on: Having-10-good-friends-'makes-happy'
Weddings no "magical" formula
So you have found the man or woman of your dreams, had a whirlwind romance and tied the knot in a perfect ceremony.
search on: Weddings-"magical"-formula
Chris Martin's 'moral dilemma' over Sarah Palin
Coldplay frontman Chris Martin is happily married to US actress Gwyneth Paltrow, but that doesn't stop him developing schoolboy crushes on other ladies.
search on: Chris-Martins-moral-dilemma-Sarah-Palin
Oscar winning actress talks of 'gently' falling in
Nicole Kidman has described how she and husband Keith Urban were both "lonely" souls when the pair met two years ago.
search on: Oscar-winning-actress-talks-'gently'-falling
Jessica Alba and Cash Warren celebrate their love
Although Jessica Alba wed husband Cash Warren seven months ago, the couple have only just held their wedding reception, reports.
search on: Jessica-Alba-Cash-Warren-celebrate-their-love
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