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Search Results For "increasingly"
Breakfast dates 'increasing in popularity'
British singletons are looking for more innovative dates in an effort to find love, according to new research.
search on: Breakfast-dates-increasing-popularity
Dating online - what to watch out for
When looking for that special someone, it is becoming increasingly popular to hunt for Mr or Ms Right on the internet.
search on: Dating-online---what-watch-out
Mistletoe kissing a lost art?
With Christmas in full swing, Britons are being urged to bring back the tradition of kissing under the mistletoe.
search on: Mistletoe-kissing-lost-art?
Overseas nuptials increasingly popular
The impact of the ensuing global financial crisis is being felt by the majority of the UK's population and as a consequence belts are being tightened.
search on: Overseas-nuptials-increasingly-popular
Black women dating white men
An interesting article over at highlights this increasing phenomenon and has attracted some strong debate as to why this is with over six thousand comments posted.
search on: Black-women-dating-white-men-
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