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Search Results For "luck"
Scent of a Whopper
Finding love can be a daunting task but luckily those people at Burger King may have made it just that little bit easier with the launch of a barbeque-scented cologne.
search on: Scent-Whopper
Tom Cruise has 'very lovely' married life
Tom Cruise has described married life as "very lovely" and has paid tribute to his wife, Katie Holmes.
search on: Tom-Cruise-has-'very-lovely'-married-life
20 Best Places to Kiss in Ireland
An article in Authentic Ireland lists the 20 best places in Ireland to kiss. Here are our top 12:
search on: 20-Best-Places-Kiss-Ireland
Sing Date on Sky TV

Sky Living HD aims to use the love of singing to try and help someone find love.

search on: Sing-Date-Sky-TV
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