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Search Results For "prove"
Humour and good conservation key to holiday romanc
The vast majority of Britons believe going on holiday is a great chance to improve romance or practice your dating flair, according to a new report.
search on: Humour-conservation-key-holiday-romanc
Are Irish men really the most ugly in Europe?
The crazed notion that Irish men are the continent’s least beautiful people has come from online dating site
search on: Are-Irish-men-really-ugly-Europe?
Bottle blondes 'more confident'
Blondes really are more confident in the dating game and life in general and really do have more fun, new research reveals.
search on: Bottle-blondes-'more-confident'
Sexist men 'earn more money'
Sexist men are more successful in the workplace and with the ladies, new research reveals.
search on: Sexist-men-'earn-more-money'
Pets suffering in break-ups
If you are going through a divorce or separation then spare a thought for your pet, as new research reveals that break-ups can seriously affect them.
search on: Pets-suffering-break-ups
Break-ups ruin romantic holidays
Relationship break-ups are the number one reason for cancelling holidays, according to a new survey.
search on: Break-ups-ruin-romantic-holidays
Scientists prove flowers really are a turn-on for girls
“Flowers activate romance and act as a facilitator in dating,”are some of the results stated by Dr Gueguen and published in the journal Psychology Press.
search on: Scientists-prove-flowers-really-are-a-turn-on-girls
Finding a partner 'more difficult for overweight w
Overweight women have a harder time finding love in the workplace than their slimmer counterparts.
search on: Finding-a-partner-'more-difficult-overweight-w
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