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Search Results For "story"
Love actually does exist
They say that love is rarely as it appears in the movies, but that wasn't the case for one man who decided to create a tailored version of his girlfriend's favourite film.
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Presidential love story
A new documentary will be aired in the UK later this month that tells the story of how Carla Bruni and French president Nicolas Sarkozy fell in love.
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Soap opera love storylines not realistic
Despite claims by programme makers to the contrary, it seems that soap operas are not a true reflection of real life, at least as far as love, and marriage are concerned.
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Cate Blanchett on love and why plastic surgery is
Academy award-winning actress Cate Blanchett has spoken about the day her husband proposed to her and admitted that she knew she was going to marry him from the moment she met him.
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Couple to celebrate 75th wedding anniversary on Xm
True love really is the lasting kind for one couple who are set to celebrate their 75th wedding anniversary on Christmas Eve.
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Celebrities Greatest Kisses
Celebrities were asked to reveal their most memorable kiss for a Youtube video made by the British Heart Foundation.
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