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Search Results For "Cat"
Men do the talking
While women are often stereotyped as having the ability to chat endlessly, new research indicates that it is in fact men who are the biggest chatterboxes.
search on: Men-do-talking
Marriage lives on
Despite the dramatic increase in divorce rates and the number of couples who live together without being married has led many to wonder whether 'til death do us part' still applies.
search on: Marriage-lives
What the psychologists don't understand
We think that relationship and dating experts have the ability to explain every human emotion and can give all couples a solution the issues they face.
search on: What-psychologists-don't-understand
Couples taking baby-making holidays
The latest hot travel trend sweeping the nation is procreation holidays.
search on: Couples-taking-baby-making-holidays
Women more complex than men
Science has known for centuries that men evolve faster than women, as is evident in the animal kingdom where males of various species have more impressive plumage and features.
search on: Women-more-complex-men
A third of Brits lie to partners about finance
Almost a third of all Brits have lied to their partners about their financial situation, according to a new survey.
search on: A-third-Brits-lie-partners-about-finance
Queen and Duke celebrate diamond anniversary
The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh were this week celebrating their diamond wedding anniversary.
search on: Queen-Duke-celebrate-diamond-anniversary
Love letter falling out of favour
Lovers are failing to communicate by the most old-fashioned means in the book.
search on: Love-letter-falling-out-favour
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