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Search Results For "Why"
Voters 'like to see romance in politics'
Romance is playing a key role in the unravelling of the US presidential elections, with Barack Obama leading the way.
search on: Voters-'like-see-romance-politics'
Brits would swap nationality for more romance
The vast majority of British men and women would swap their nationality if they had the choice, according to a new survey.
search on: Brits-would-swap-nationality-more-romance
Fake chest sizes 'scare men off'
The majority of men are turned off by an enormous chest size in a woman, according to a new survey.
search on: Fake-chest-sizes-care-men-off'
Do opposites really attract?
While opposites may attract initially, this spark fizzles out and more is needed to maintain a good relationship, according to a new survey.
search on: Do-opposites-really-attract?
Flashy dancers 'most attractive' to women
Well you can tell by the way he works that floor if he's a woman's man, according to new research.
search on: Flashy-dancers-'most-attractive'-women
Eye contact key to a good first date
Keep your eyes peeled on your partner in a first date in order to ensure there is a second one, according to an expert.
search on: Eye-contact-key
Black women dating white men
An interesting article over at highlights this increasing phenomenon and has attracted some strong debate as to why this is with over six thousand comments posted.
search on: Black-women-dating-white-men-
Male romance writer argues 'love is a universal em
People love reading about romance and relationships and the success of Mills and Boon is testament to that fact with a book sold every three seconds in the UK.
search on: Male-romance-writer-argues-love-universal-em
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