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Search Results For "bod"
Women attracted to men with deep voices
Women are attracted to deep voices because it signifies a strong and fertile man, according to new research.
search on: Women-attracted-men-with-deep-voices
Love letters straight from the heart
With the advent of email and SMS, traditional written love letters are fast becoming a thing of the past, but not for one man who is on a mission to restore the lost art and make people smile.
search on: Love-letters-straight-from-heart
Scent of a Whopper
Finding love can be a daunting task but luckily those people at Burger King may have made it just that little bit easier with the launch of a barbeque-scented cologne.
search on: Scent-Whopper
Cate Blanchett on love and why plastic surgery is
Academy award-winning actress Cate Blanchett has spoken about the day her husband proposed to her and admitted that she knew she was going to marry him from the moment she met him.
search on: Cate-Blanchett-love-why-plastic-surgery-
20 Best Places to Kiss in Ireland
An article in Authentic Ireland lists the 20 best places in Ireland to kiss. Here are our top 12:
search on: 20-Best-Places-Kiss-Ireland
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