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Search Results For "joy"
Teri dating TV hunk?
Teri Hatcher could be dating Sex and the City star Jason Lewis, after reports circulated that the couple were spotted together acting like "teenagers in love".
search on: Teri-dating-TV-hunk?
The rise of the 'freemales'
An increasing number of British women are taking control of their love lives and choosing when and with whom they want to have a relationship with, according to an article in the Observer.
search on: rise-freemales
Want to find true love? Read on...

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Financial wake-up call for newlyweds
So you have found the person you want to spend the rest of your life with and you are planning to tie the knot.
search on: Financial-wake-up-call-newlyweds
Romantic breaks help couples' love lives
A significant number of British couples are going on holiday to improve intimacy with each other, according to a new survey.
search on: Romantic-breaks-couples-love-lives
Rollercoaster ride of love
If the object of your affections does not seem to be taking an interest in you, then try taking them on a rollercoaster to give love a helping hand.
search on: Rollercoaster-ride-love
Loved-up couples should jet off to sunnier climes
Couples should take romantic trips away together to get away from the hustle, bustle and gloom of daily life.
search on: Loved-up-couples-should-jet-off-sunnier-climes
Shopping 'burns off calories'
The men in their lives may not be happy to hear it, but women are being encouraged to indulge in more retail therapy because it helps them lose weight.
search on: Shopping-burns-off-calories
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