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Search Results For "males"
Men aged 53 are 'the most romantic'
Men become most romantic when they are aged 53, according to a new survey.
search on: Men-aged-53-are-'the-romantic'
Women prefer accountants to James Bonds
British women may think they want a James Bond-style adventure, but new research reveals that their Mr Right is more likely to have job security than spontaneous sophistication.
search on: Women-prefer-accountants-James-Bonds
UK men
One in five men think that when it comes to spending money, they most resemble Ian Beale from Eastenders.
search on: UK-men-
Black women dating white men
An interesting article over at highlights this increasing phenomenon and has attracted some strong debate as to why this is with over six thousand comments posted.
search on: Black-women-dating-white-men-
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