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Search Results For "million"
Holiday fling hotspots revealed
Summer is well and truly here and over the coming weeks, millions of Britons are going to be searching for sun, sand, sangria and a little bit of romance.
search on: Holiday-fling-hotspots
Women can't get enough of glossy mags
Women's magazines are the nation's favourite read of choice and the loo is one of the favourite locations to read, according to a new poll.
search on: Women-cant-get-enough-glossy-mags
Diet tips for bedroom success
An increasing number of Britons have reported feeling too sluggish to make love, according to a new report.
search on: Diet-tips-bedroom-success
Are Irish men really the most ugly in Europe?
The crazed notion that Irish men are the continent’s least beautiful people has come from online dating site
search on: Are-Irish-men-really-ugly-Europe?
Alcohol warning for loved-up couples
Married couples are being warned to ensure they are not drinking too much together, according to a new report.
search on: Alcohol-warning-loved-up-couples
Break-ups ruin romantic holidays
Relationship break-ups are the number one reason for cancelling holidays, according to a new survey.
search on: Break-ups-ruin-romantic-holidays
A nation of fragrance hoarders
As the credit crunch bites, millions of British men are using bottles of aftershave bought more than ten years ago to save themselves money, new research reveals.
search on: A-nation-fragrance-hoarders
Tana Ramsay 'is right to stand by her man'
Following recent allegations that her celebrity chef husband has been having an extra marital affair for the last seven years, Tana Ramsay could easily be forgiven for looking strained.
search on: Tana-Ramsay-is-right-stand-man
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