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Search Results For "says"
Are Irish men really the most ugly in Europe?
The crazed notion that Irish men are the continent’s least beautiful people has come from online dating site
search on: Are-Irish-men-really-ugly-Europe?
English men top in chat-up lines
British men are the best at chat-up lines and more likely to win the girl than their American or Aussie counterparts, according to new research.
search on: English-men-top-chat-up-lines
Sir Paul McCartney 'loves being in love'
When you have gone through a messy divorce, it can take a lot of courage to get back in the dating game.
search on: Sir-Paul-McCartney-'loves-being-love'
Tana Ramsay 'is right to stand by her man'
Following recent allegations that her celebrity chef husband has been having an extra marital affair for the last seven years, Tana Ramsay could easily be forgiven for looking strained.
search on: Tana-Ramsay-is-right-stand-man
Aguilera and hubby have regular date nights
If you want to keep your marriage alive then take Christina Aguilera's advice and make sure you keep going on dates with your husband long after your nuptials.
search on: Aguilera-hubby-regular-nights
Jessica Biel says relationship is 'one sparkly pre
It seems that some stars are determined to keep their love lives under wraps and that is definitely the case for actress Jessica Biel and her boyfriend Justin Timberlake.
search on: Jessica-Biel-says-relationship-one-sparkly-pre
Presidential love story
A new documentary will be aired in the UK later this month that tells the story of how Carla Bruni and French president Nicolas Sarkozy fell in love.
search on: Presidential-love-story
42,000 Irish are having affairs on internet
42,000 Irish are having affairs on the internet
search on: 42-000-Irish-are-having-affairs-internet
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