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Search Results For "tell"
Loved up seniors share secrets of staying power
A global study of couples who have been together for fifty or more years unlocks the secrets of long-term marital bliss.
search on: Loved-seniors-share-secrets-staying-power
French first lady speaks of undying love
The wife of French president Nicolas Sarkozy has pledged to stay by her husband's side "until death".
search on: French-lady-speaks-undying-love
Differences drove Cerys and Marc apart
Cerys Matthews and Marc Bannerman split up because the actor could not deal with the former Catatonia singer being a single mother, she has revealed.
search on: Differences-drove-Cerys-Marc
Short men 'more likely to be jealous'
Men who are vertically challenged are more likely to be jealous than those who are more blessed in the height stakes, according to a new scientific report.
search on: Short-men-'more-likely-be-jealous'
Beckhams go on double date
Celebrity super couple David and Victoria Beckham went on a double date on Good Friday with another top celebrity couple.
search on: Beckhams-go-double-date
Women 'fantasise about having affairs'
One in three women fantasise about being with someone other than their partner, according to a new survey.
search on: Women-fantasise-having-affairs
Rihanna denies romance reports
Barbadian pop princess Rihanna has attempted to put rumours to rest about her relationship with fello R'n'B superstar Chris Brown.
search on: Rihanna-denies-romance-reports
Names 'important' in online dating
New research reveals that men and women looking for love on the internet are more likely to find a potential partner by using an appealing alias.
search on: Names-'important'-online-dating
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