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Search Results For "through"
Couple who found love through charity receive hono
A couple who found romance through their charity work have been awarded for their services.
search on: Couple-who-found-love-through-charity-receive-hono
Better to date than divorce
Couples may find themselves better off if they continue to date rather than getting married and possibly divorced.
search on: Better-divorce
Women 'turned on' by men's sweaty pits
The smell of men's sweat turns women on, according to a new scientific study.
search on: Women-'turned-on'-by-men-sweaty-pits
Cheating 'unwrapped' in new book
Modern life is making it easier for people to have affairs, according to a woman who has written a book on the subject.
search on: Cheating-'unwrapped'-new-book
Men 'love strong, independent women'
Modern man loves a woman who can stand up to him and take control of the household finances, according to a poll.
search on: Men-love-strong--independent-women
Women 'feel negative after one-night stands'
The female of the species has not adapted to the concept of the one-night stand, despite the effects of the sexual revolution, according to scientists.
search on: Women-feel-negative-after-one-night-stands
Kylie and Olivier 'back on'
Kylie Minogue is reportedly back with her former flame Olivier Martinez.
search on: Kylie-Olivier-back-on
Women 'getting into' online dating more
Looking for a mate through an online dating agency is now more common than ever, with the balance of men and women coming to a balance.
search on: Women-getting-into-online-dating
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