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Search Results For "Health"
Future Britons will unearth snapshot of Noughties
A time capsule will be buried in the UK in November to show future Britons how society in the 'Noughties' felt about love and relationships.
search on: Future-Britons-will-unearth-snapshot-Noughties-
Diet tips for bedroom success
An increasing number of Britons have reported feeling too sluggish to make love, according to a new report.
search on: Diet-tips-bedroom-success
Men 'lose brain power' by sharing beds
While it may feel nice to be snuggled up to someone at night, new research reveals that sharing a bed results in men losing brain power temporarily.
search on: Men-'lose-brain-power'-by-sharing-beds
Women with more testosterone fancy macho men
Women with high testosterone levels are more attracted to macho men, according to new research.
search on: Women-testosterone-fancy-macho-men
Weight fluctuates 'according to relationship happi
So you have found your Mr Right and are living happily together in marital bliss, but ladies beware, love could make you pile on the pounds.
search on: Weight-fluctuates-'according-relationship-happi
Pets suffering in break-ups
If you are going through a divorce or separation then spare a thought for your pet, as new research reveals that break-ups can seriously affect them.
search on: Pets-suffering-break-ups
Alcohol warning for loved-up couples
Married couples are being warned to ensure they are not drinking too much together, according to a new report.
search on: Alcohol-warning-loved-up-couples
The look of love
They say that the eyes are the windows to the soul but new research reveals that we are not using them to get ahead in the dating game.
search on: look-love
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