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Search Results For "Marry"
Wedding singer finds love
A singer who has helped to entertain hundreds of couples on their wedding day has found a true love of her own.
search on: Wedding-singer-finds-love
Gentlemen prefer to date blondes, but marry brunet
Men love dating blondes, but would rather marry a brunette, new research reveals.
search on: Gentlemen-prefer-date-blondes--but-marry-brunet
Karl plays Cupid for Katy Perry


search on: Karl-plays-Cupid-Katy-Perry
Weddings no "magical" formula
So you have found the man or woman of your dreams, had a whirlwind romance and tied the knot in a perfect ceremony.
search on: Weddings-"magical"-formula
Tom Cruise knew Katie was the one after first date
It's not often that declarations of love at first sight turn out to be founded in true feelings, but it seems that for one celebrity couple that really is what happened.
search on: Tom-Cruise-knew-Katie-was-one-first-date
The Day Women Can Ask Men To Marry Them – Leap Year, February 29th
Its an old Irish tradition that a woman can ask a man to marry her on that one day – February 29th.
search on: Day-Women-Can-Men-Marry-Them--Leap-
Black women dating white men
An interesting article over at highlights this increasing phenomenon and has attracted some strong debate as to why this is with over six thousand comments posted.
search on: Black-women-dating-white-men-
Love actually does exist
They say that love is rarely as it appears in the movies, but that wasn't the case for one man who decided to create a tailored version of his girlfriend's favourite film.
search on: Love-actually-does-exist
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