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Search Results For "success"
WLTM a man just like dad
It's official: men marry their mums while women go for men who look like their dads, according to a new study.
search on: WLTM-a-man-just-like-dad
Brunettes 'richer and luckier in love'
Blondes may have more fun, but brunettes have bigger bank balances, according to a new report.
search on: Brunettes-'richer-luckier-love'
Women 'would rather loook good' than eat well
In a quest to make themselves more attractive to the opposite sex, one in three young women would rather look good than eat healthily.
search on: Women-'would-rather-loook-good'-eat-well
Survey shows 'super-mum' backlash
Despite years of the gender equality movement, most men and women in the UK now feel having a career woman as a mother is bad for the family.
search on: Survey-shows-super-mum-backlash
Holiday flings 'could lead to wedding bells'
People might be cynical of holiday romances, but new research reveals that many lead to long-term love.
search on: Holiday-flings-'could-lead-wedding-bells'
Diet tips for bedroom success
An increasing number of Britons have reported feeling too sluggish to make love, according to a new report.
search on: Diet-tips-bedroom-success
Sexist men 'earn more money'
Sexist men are more successful in the workplace and with the ladies, new research reveals.
search on: Sexist-men-'earn-more-money'
Half of Britons dating online
Half of singletons in the UK are looking for love using online dating sites, according to new figures.
search on: Half-Britons-dating-online
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