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Search Results For "third"
Brits 'would think twice' about getting amorous on
As two Britons face trial in Dubai for getting amorous on a beach, new research reveals that many couples are guilty of the same practice.
search on: Brits-'would-think-twice'-about-getting-amorous
Women sacrificing food to look good
The average British woman will spend the equivalent of 840 days of her life in front of the mirror, according to a new survey.
search on: Women-sacrificing-food-look
Break-ups ruin romantic holidays
Relationship break-ups are the number one reason for cancelling holidays, according to a new survey.
search on: Break-ups-ruin-romantic-holidays
Couples stop making the effort after 2 years of ma
The romantic days are gone just two years, six months and 25 days into a marriage, according to new research.
search on: Couples-stop-making-effort-2-years-ma
Is Reese Witherspoon: pregnant?
The latest excitement throughout Celebland is about a potential new celebrity MOM -This Means War star Reese Witherspoon.
search on: Reese-Witherspoon:-pregnant?
The look of love
They say that the eyes are the windows to the soul but new research reveals that we are not using them to get ahead in the dating game.
search on: look-love
Brad and Angelina miss out on favourite couple top
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie only made it into the number two spot on a list of favourite couples in 2008.
search on: Brad-Angelina-miss-out-favourite-couple-top
Mobile users urged to back up precious moments
Londoners, Mancunians, Liverpudlians and Geordies have all expressed concern about losing compromising photos taken on their mobiles.
search on: Mobile-users-urged-back-up-precious-moments
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