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Search Results For "43%"
Rules of engagement
Romance isn't dead, it seems.
search on: Rules-engagement
What makes women happy
Men have always had difficulty understanding what women want, but a new survey may help them to deliver the love in their life what it is they most desire, both in the long and short term.
search on: What-makes-women-happy
Heartbreak more acute for some ethnic backgrounds
Americans of European origin are less likely to cope with negative events such as heartbreak compared to their counterparts from Asian backgrounds.
search on: Heartbreak-more-acute-some-ethnic-backgrounds
President Sarkozy to divorce
France's president Nicolas Sarkozy is to divorce from his wife of 11 years, Cecilia.
search on: President-Sarkozy-divorce
Married couples missing out on passion
The romantic and sex lives of couples are said to dwindle as soon as they settle down into marriage.
search on: Married-couples-missing-out-passion
Relationship maintenance for men
Relationships change over time and whether yours is going well right now, or entering a rocky patch, there are things you can do to help it continue and get stronger.
search on: Relationship-maintenance-men
Teachers wed with school's support
A school was recently the scene of romance, as two teachers tied the knot.
search on: Teachers-wed-with-school-support
200 metre wedding dress
A loved-up man in China commissioned a wedding dress which is 200 metres long for his fiance.
search on: 200-metre-wedding-dress
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