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Search Results For "old"
Orlando adds to Hollywood hotlist of lovers
The hottest young actor to come out of the UK in some time has bagged a Hollywood star, according to reports.
search on: Orlando-adds-Hollywood-hotlist-lovers
Partners not spending enough on each other
People are not spending enough on the one they love and could risk losing them if they don't step up their game, according to a new survey by Abbey.
search on: Partners-spending-enough-other
You may kiss the mini-bride
A Chinese couple are waiting on the Guinness Book of Records to confirm that they are the shortest ever newly-weds.
search on: You-may-kiss-mini-bride
Clooney bets he will never marry
According to Hollywood actress Michelle Pfeiffer, George Clooney is so confident he will never marry he is prepared to place on money on it.
search on: Clooney-bets-he-will-never-marry
Kate Hudson wants Owen Wilson back?
Kate Hudson is on a mission to win back Owen Wilson, according to reports.
search on: Kate-Hudson-Owen-Wilson-back?
Nadine hot for Hollywood Hartnett?
Could there be a more beautiful couple? Girls Aloud beauty Nadine Coyle is rumoured to be dating Hollywood hunk Josh Hartnett.
search on: Nadine-hot-Hollywood-Hartnett?
Married couples missing out on passion
The romantic and sex lives of couples are said to dwindle as soon as they settle down into marriage.
search on: Married-couples-missing-out-passion
Church to wed?
Rumours are abound about the potential nuptials of Charlotte Church and boyfriend Gavin Henson.
search on: Church-wed?
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