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Search Results For "perfect"
Jessica Simpson 'loves love'
Blonde US pop star Jessica Simpson loves being in love and has dedicated her new album to all the loves in her life.
search on: Jessica-Simpson-'loves-love'
Men harnessing 'pulling power of puds'
The days of a man inviting you inside after a date for a 'coffee' are over, according to new research, which suggests that puddings are becoming the perfect way to woo women.
search on: Men-harnessing-'pulling-power-puds'
Women spill beans on love, family and diets
Modern women worry most about their health and weight, according to new research.
search on: Women-spill-beans-love--family-diets
Shopping 'burns off calories'
The men in their lives may not be happy to hear it, but women are being encouraged to indulge in more retail therapy because it helps them lose weight.
search on: Shopping-burns-off-calories
Men 'more emotional' when buying cars
Men may think they are the world's more rational sex, but new research reveals that when it comes to buying a car men's hearts rule their heads.
search on: Men-'more-emotional'-when-buying-cars
Female drivers flirt to avoid tickets
Women drivers have admitted using their feminine wiles to flirt their way out of getting a parking ticket, according to a recent survey.
search on: Female-drivers-flirt-avoid-tickets
The £1k cost of being a wedding guest
People in the UK are so keen to see their loved-up loved-ones tie the knot with their Mr or Miss Right that many are spending more than £1,000 a pop.
search on: The-£1k-cost-being-wedding-guest
Brits experiencing more pain
Whether it's heartache, hangovers or toothache, new research reveals that British men and women are experiencing more pain.
search on: Brits-experiencing-pain
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