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Search Results For "figure"
A third of Brits lie to partners about finance
Almost a third of all Brits have lied to their partners about their financial situation, according to a new survey.
search on: A-third-Brits-lie-partners-about-finance
Schofield tops list of strange fancies
A survey of 5,000 women has revealed the men the fairer sex most hates to love.
search on: Schofield-tops-list-strange-fancies
Single women 'start saving early' for weddings
Every little girl dreams of having her fairy tale wedding and British women are so determined to have their big day that they start planning early – whether they have found their Mr Right or not.
search on: Single-women-tart-saving-early'-weddings
"Me-time" scarce among workaholic Brits
British modern life is getting so hectic and jam-packed that people find it extremely difficult to find love.
search on: "Me-time"-scarce-among-workaholic-Brits
UK men shun women for gadgets
British football widows may have thought that they would get to spend more time with the men in their lives because of the lack of any UK teams in the European Championships.
search on: UK-men-shun-women-gadgets
Londoners have no love for Valentine's Day
A new survey has revealed that most single Londoners would prefer a night with their mates to a romantic date on Valentine's Day.
search on: Londoners-have-love-Valentine-Day
More women 'suspect husbands of cheating'
An increasing number of women are hiring private investigators because they suspect their husband is having an affair, according to a new report.
search on: More-women-suspect-husbands-cheating
London men lavish women with gifts and treats
London is one of the most romantic cities in the world. Stroll along the Thames, dine out at one of the fantastic eateries or watch one of the West End shows and you're sure to have a good time w...
search on: London-men-lavish-women-with-gifts-treats
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