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Search Results For "stop"
Women look for The One at 25
Reports of the death of marriage have been greatly exaggerated, according to new research.
search on: Women-look-One-at-25
Women rejecting the new man
Having taken centuries to achieve a greater gender balance and narrow the gaps between the sexes, women are no longer opting for men who are sensitive and take care of their appearance.
search on: Women-rejecting-new
Couples mimic health habits
If one member of a couple exercises, quits smoking, stops drinking alcohol or gets a vaccine or screen, the other member is more likely to follow suit and do the same.
search on: Couples-mimic-health-habits
A&E romance books top the chart
Fiction which unfolds in the emergency room is the favourite of romantic readers, it has been revealed.
search on: A&E-romance-top-chart
Men get down on their Japan-knees for forgiveness
A group of men in Japan, recognising their wives and partners are reaching the ends of their tether have taken action to win them back.
search on: Men-get-down-their-Japan-knees-forgiveness
Humour top turn-on for women
If a man wants to impress a woman, there is no better way of doing it than making her laugh, a new poll has revealed.
search on: Humour-top-turn-on-women
Who should pay on a first date?
More than half of people think that men should pay on a first date and less than one per cent believe that women should pay the entire bill on a first date.
search on: Who-should-pay-date?
Supermarket couples finding love
A supermarket is sending numerous couples up the aisle.
search on: Supermarket-couples-finding-love
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