Russians to have national 'sex day' |
Imagine the government telling the country to take the day off to have sex. Well, that's exactly what's happening in Russia today. |
Wedding takes step back in time |
A couple from Buckinghamshire recently went back to medieval times for their wedding day. |
A helping hand for cheaters |
Cheating on a partner can be a shady business, and a company in France has decided to exploit this gap in the market by helping cheaters cover their tracks. |
Don't leg-go of my heart |
A blushing bride who broke her leg hours before her wedding ceremony refused to take doctors' orders and went through with her big day. |
Sir Paul 'head over the heels in love with Lulu' |
Former Beatle Sir Paul McCartney and fellow popstar Lulu are apparently "head over heels in love". |
The sexual revolution, 50 years on |
A debate on Radio 4 recently took place to assess how sexual liberation has progressed in the last 50 years. |
Bill Roache's girlfriend, 43, says 'He's got this twinkle' as she struggles to keep up with the 79 year-old |
Last month Bill admitted he'd slept with around 1,000 women at the height of his fame on Coronation Street. Now his current girlfriend has gone some way to explaining why Bill has been so successful w... |
The King and the Prince: As rumours emerge that Mollie King is dating Prince Harry |
Mollie King''s staying firmly silent over rumours that she''s dating Prince Harry. |