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Search Results For "Rock"
Carmen Electra reveals dating tips
If you want to bag the man of your dreams, then all you need is your very own "sexiness kit", according to Hollywood stunner Carmen Electra.
search on: Carmen-Electra-reveals-dating-tips
Kate Hudson dating Lance Armstrong
Beautiful blonde starlet Kate Hudson is dating speedy star Lance Armstrong, according to media reports.
search on: Kate-Hudson-dating-Lance-Armstrong
Paris loves London men
US socialite Paris Hilton says she adores British men, while her family is thinking of making a move to the UK.
search on: Paris-loves-London-men
Usher declares love for his wife
Media speculation is suggesting that Usher's marriage is on the rocks, but the R&B star has declared his love for his wife on a US talk show.
search on: Usher-declares-love-wife
Paris offers tips to couples hoping to keep love '
The secret of staying in love is to act like a kid, celebrity heiress Paris Hilton has claimed.
search on: Paris-offers-tips-couples-hoping-love-'
Most unromantic day of the year revealed
If you tried your luck in the dating game last Wednesday but failed miserably then never fear as new research reveals that August 27th is the least romantic day of the year.
search on: unromantic-day-year-revealed
Wedding singer finds love
A singer who has helped to entertain hundreds of couples on their wedding day has found a true love of her own.
search on: Wedding-singer-finds-love
US actress dating British rock star
Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale and Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin are just two examples of US celebrities falling for the charms of British rock stars.
search on: US-actress-dating-British-rock-star
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