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Search Results For "before"
Love in a crystal ball
A 23-year old Sydney woman has fulfilled her destiny and married a plumber she briefly knew years before.
search on: Love-crystal-ball
Dinosaurs 'had sex as teens'
Dinosaurs grew up fast and died young, scientists have discovered.
search on: Dinosaurs-had-sex-teens
More sex means fewer marks
Society is increasingly socially liberal, but the downsides of promiscuity have been highlighted by new research, which suggests that sleeping around leads to poor exam performance.
search on: More-sex-means-fewer-marks
Study aims to understand love
Popular psychologist Dr Raj Persaud is inviting seeking participants for an online experiment designed to unlock the secrets of love.
search on: Study-aims-understand-love
Men 'pants' when it comes to their smalls
When it comes to their underwear, British men are all about recycling, according to new research.
search on: Men-'pants'-when-comes-their-smalls
Economy 'takes its toll' on search for love
The dire economic situation in England and the US is taking its toll on the search for love, according to an expert.
search on: Economy-takes-its-toll-search-love
Cheating 'unwrapped' in new book
Modern life is making it easier for people to have affairs, according to a woman who has written a book on the subject.
search on: Cheating-'unwrapped'-new-book
Men 'scared of marrying the wrong person'
Men are steering clear of tying the knot because they are scared of having a bad marriage, according to a new survey.
search on: Men-cared-marrying-wrong-person'
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