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Search Results For "Scent"
Dinosaurs 'had sex as teens'
Dinosaurs grew up fast and died young, scientists have discovered.
search on: Dinosaurs-had-sex-teens
Rollercoaster ride of love
If the object of your affections does not seem to be taking an interest in you, then try taking them on a rollercoaster to give love a helping hand.
search on: Rollercoaster-ride-love
The smell of attraction
A study has shown that women react to sweat produced by male sexual activity and that they may even be able to detect if a man is attracted to them by sniffing them.
search on: smell-attraction
Scent of a Whopper
Finding love can be a daunting task but luckily those people at Burger King may have made it just that little bit easier with the launch of a barbeque-scented cologne.
search on: Scent-Whopper
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