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Search Results For "Younger"
Women 'don't want male breadwinners'
The idea that the man should be the main "breadwinner" in a household is on the wane, according to a new poll which reveals that women are becoming increasingly self-sufficient.
search on: Women-dont-want-male-breadwinners
Jen "in love" with new boyfriend
Former Friends actress Jennifer Aniston has thrown caution to the wind and revealed that she is in love with her new beau, according to reports.
search on: Jen-
Rise in number of 'grey gapers'
An increasing number of Britons are getting so hacked off with work that they are packing it in and going on holiday, according to new research.
search on: Rise-number-grey-gapers
Men happier than women in midlife
Middle-aged women are not as happy as middle-aged men, according to new scientific research.
search on: Men-happier-women-midlife
Credit crunch acting as marriage counsellor
The credit crunch might be having a negative effect on Britons' finances, but it is helping couples stay together, it has been revealed.
search on: Credit-crunch-acting-as-marriage-counsellor
Bottle blondes 'more confident'
Blondes really are more confident in the dating game and life in general and really do have more fun, new research reveals.
search on: Bottle-blondes-'more-confident'
Romantic older couples go on more holidays
Loved-up Britons in their 50s are proving more romantic than their younger counterparts and going on more city breaks, according to new research.
search on: Romantic-older-couples-holidays
Over-50s take to online dating and socialising
An increasing number of over-50s use the internet to help their love life, according to new research.
search on: Over-50s-take-online-dating-socialising
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