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Search Results For "Cate"
A third of Brits lie to partners about finance
Almost a third of all Brits have lied to their partners about their financial situation, according to a new survey.
search on: A-third-Brits-lie-partners-about-finance
Love letter falling out of favour
Lovers are failing to communicate by the most old-fashioned means in the book.
search on: Love-letter-falling-out-favour
Who should pay on a first date?
More than half of people think that men should pay on a first date and less than one per cent believe that women should pay the entire bill on a first date.
search on: Who-should-pay-date?
No chat in Japanese romance
Japanese couples are failing to communicate.
search on: No-chat-Japanese-romance
Leap year proposals
It is just a little over two months until the day on which it becomes women's turn to propose is upon us.
search on: Leap-year-proposals
Keeping your partner faithful
While few of us enter into relationships believing our partner will be unfaithful, once the first flushes of romance have passed and the relationship has developed into a routine, it becomes more of a...
search on: Keeping-partner-faithful
Dolphins make generous partners
When it comes to wooing your mate through the art of gift-giving, who would have thought that dolphins were in on the act.
search on: Dolphins-make-generous-partners
Keeping arguments healthy
All couples fight. It's just one of those things. But whether arguing could spell the end of your relationship depends on how you deal with the arguments and what they achieve.
search on: Keeping-arguments-healthy
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