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Search Results For "looking"
Couple get leap year anniversary
A young couple have discovered that their chosen wedding day will mean they only get to celebrate their anniversary once every four years.
search on: Couple-get-leap-year-anniversary
You look fly, son!
Attractive fathers produce attractive sons, in the insect world at least, new research has shown.
search on: You-look-fly--son!
Ugly girls hunt for hotties
Unattractive women are more likely to chase attractive men in an effort to boost their children's genes, new research has suggested.
search on: Ugly-girls-hunt-hotties
Love at the office party
With the season of office parties upon us, many colleagues are taking the opportunity to spark up a romance with those they have been eyeing over the top of their monitors for the last 12 months.
search on: Love-office-party
Dating tips from MySpace
MySpace has become the home of dating tips for people looking for love.
search on: Dating-tips-MySpace
Getting to know you?
First impressions count and so do first questions.
search on: Getting-know-you?
Romantic 'honeymoon' lined up for French president
Speculation is rising over the location of French president Nicolas Sarkozy's honeymoon, despite the fact he may not yet be married.
search on: Romantic-'honeymoon'-lined-up-French-president
Are Ashley and Jared dating again?
Ashley Olsen and Jared Leto are rumoured to be seeing each other again after they were spotted looking rather cosy at a recent event in Los Angeles.
search on: Are-Ashley-Jared-dating-again?
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