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Search Results For "wedding"
Couple get leap year anniversary
A young couple have discovered that their chosen wedding day will mean they only get to celebrate their anniversary once every four years.
search on: Couple-get-leap-year-anniversary
Queen and Duke celebrate diamond anniversary
The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh were this week celebrating their diamond wedding anniversary.
search on: Queen-Duke-celebrate-diamond-anniversary
Women choosing shopping over sex
A worrying one in four women would rather partake in an outdoor activity than stay home for some loving with their partner, with four in ten opting for a shopping trip rather than an afternoon in bed.
search on: Women-choosing-shopping-over-sex
World's fastest divorce
A couple from Israel have divorced after only four days of marriage.
search on: World-fastest-divorce
Bride and groom in different continents marry
A solider based in Basra has married his girlfriend in a ceremony which took place with the couple thousands of miles apart.
search on: Bride-groom-different-continents-marry
Supermarket couples finding love
A supermarket is sending numerous couples up the aisle.
search on: Supermarket-couples-finding-love
German couples abandoning wedding rings
Many couples in Germany have given up exchanging wedding rings because the country has such a high divorce rate they assume their relationship won't last.
search on: German-couples-abandoning-wedding-rings
New Year, new dating chapter
This time of year traditionally brings a boom in online dating activity, as singles seek new prospects for the New Year.
search on: New-Year--new-dating-chapter
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