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Search Results For "Young"
"Me-time" scarce among workaholic Brits
British modern life is getting so hectic and jam-packed that people find it extremely difficult to find love.
search on: "Me-time"-scarce-among-workaholic-Brits
Festivalgoers 'young at heart'
Many might think that Glastonbury and other such summer festivals are events for the young, but new research reveals that the young at heart are descending on the youthful venues.
search on: Festivalgoers-young-heart
Age ain't nothing but a number, says Paula
There's nothing wrong with dating a younger guy, according to American Idol judge Paula Abdul.
search on: Age-ain't-nothing-but-a-number--says-
South Korean cougars are 'on the rise'
Sex and the City has not just made toyboys popular in the US and the UK - they are becoming increasingly accepted in other parts of the world too.
search on: South-Korean-cougars-are-'on-rise'
It's all in the face
Men are more attracted to women who want a fling, while the girls prefer men who are looking for a long-term commitment, according to new scientific research.
search on: It-face
Johnny Depp and Vanessa 'getting hitched'
Brace yourself, ladies. Hollywood heartthrob Johnny Depp is to tie the knot.
search on: Johnny-Depp-Vanessa-'getting-hitched'
Younger men fear 'measuring up' to older women
Younger men are intimidated by older women's sexual prowess, while the older men think it's great.
search on: Younger-men-fear-'measuring-up'-older-women
Younger men fear "measuring up" to older women
Younger men are intimidated by older women's sexual prowess, while the older men think it's great.
search on: Younger-men-fear-"measuring-up"-older-women
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