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Search Results For "cause"
Unwashed man divorced by wife
A woman in Egypt has filed for divorce because her husband will not take a shower.
search on: Unwashed-divorced-wife
Who should pay on a first date?
More than half of people think that men should pay on a first date and less than one per cent believe that women should pay the entire bill on a first date.
search on: Who-should-pay-date?
Supermarket couples finding love
A supermarket is sending numerous couples up the aisle.
search on: Supermarket-couples-finding-love
Couple reunite after 41 years
A couple from Australia have married 41 years after they got a divorce.
search on: Couple-reunite-41-years
Football on the brain
Men are often distracted during intimate time with their partners because they have other things on their minds.
search on: Football-brain
It's all about the smile
Women of today are investing in their teeth to win the love of their life.
search on: It-about-smile
Couples 'should equal out talk time'
Women should keep quiet if they want people to look favourably on their relationship, a new survey has suggested.
search on: Couples-hould-equal-out-talk-time'
Germans 'selfish in bed'
Germans have been voted the world's worst lovers in a new poll.
search on: Germans-selfish-bed
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