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Search Results For "good"
Leonardo back on the market
Teen idol Leonardo DiCaprio has split from girlfriend Bar Rafaeli.
search on: Leonardo-back-market
Handling conflict can make or break relationship
It is not anger but how we deal with conflict in relationships that determines whether the love is built to last, according to Dr John Gottman, a relationship expert.
search on: Handling-conflict-can-make-break-relationship
British women making the effort
Women check their reflection every 30 minutes, a new survey has revealed.
search on: British-women-making-effort
Couple prepare to become UK's oldest newlyweds
Following a romantic love affair, a couple are making plans to become the UK's oldest newlyweds.
search on: Couple-prepare-become-UK-oldest-newlyweds
Humour top turn-on for women
If a man wants to impress a woman, there is no better way of doing it than making her laugh, a new poll has revealed.
search on: Humour-top-turn-on-women
Women more complex than men
Science has known for centuries that men evolve faster than women, as is evident in the animal kingdom where males of various species have more impressive plumage and features.
search on: Women-more-complex-men
World's fastest divorce
A couple from Israel have divorced after only four days of marriage.
search on: World-fastest-divorce
Honeymoon essentials
When going on honeymoon the must-have item to guarantee a great time is sexy lingerie, according to a new survey.
search on: Honeymoon-essentials
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