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Search Results For "working"
Lisa Snowdon gives up on search for Mr Right
British beauty Lisa Snowdon is coming to terms with the fact that she may never be able to find her Prince Charming.
search on: Lisa-Snowdon-search-Mr-Right
Silver Surfers finding love online
You might think that online dating is a pastime of the young, hip and trendy, but new research reveals that an increasing number of pensioners are finding love on the internet.
search on: Silver-Surfers-finding-love-online
Women 'diet for a decade'
Women spend a decade of their lives on a diet, according to the results of a new survey.
search on: Women-diet-decade
Rise in number of 'grey gapers'
An increasing number of Britons are getting so hacked off with work that they are packing it in and going on holiday, according to new research.
search on: Rise-number-grey-gapers
Most mums 'feel guilty about working'
The majority of career women who are also mothers would rather just quit work and look after their families, according to new research.
search on: Most-mums-feel-guilty-working
Brits strive for A-List holidays
One in three Britons choose a holiday destination because they have heard it is popular with celebrities, according to a new poll.
search on: Brits-strive-A-List-holidays
Women suffering from jealousy
An increasing number of women are suffering from the effects of jealousy, the Metro reports.
search on: Women-suffering-jealousy
Amorous Brits head to Mexico
If you're still thinking of where to spend a romantic summer break, then look no further than Mexico, according to a travel expert.
search on: Amorous-Brits-head-Mexico
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