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Search Results For "give"
Give yourself a Dating Detox
As Christmas arrives, for the 13 million single people in the UK, it can be a difficult time as it seems all the couples come out to play.
search on: Give-yourself-Dating-Detox
Keeping your partner faithful
While few of us enter into relationships believing our partner will be unfaithful, once the first flushes of romance have passed and the relationship has developed into a routine, it becomes more of a...
search on: Keeping-partner-faithful
Choosing the right gift
As Christmas time creeps up on us, it can be a romantic season for many couples.
search on: Choosing-right-gift
Brits losing the passion factor
Pleasure can be short lived. And a new survey has proved just that, as one in five couples in the UK has no sex at all in an average month.
search on: Brits-losing-passion-factor
Keeping your relationship balanced
The honeymoon period of a relationship usually means that all a couple wants to do is see one another. You just can't get enough of each other.
search on: Keeping-your-relationship-balanced
German couples abandoning wedding rings
Many couples in Germany have given up exchanging wedding rings because the country has such a high divorce rate they assume their relationship won't last.
search on: German-couples-abandoning-wedding-rings
Electronic end to relationships
Improvements in technology are affording daters innovative new ways to ditch their partners, it has been revealed.
search on: Electronic-end-relationships
National Kissing Statistics
Only five per cent of over 45s manage more than 30 kisses a week
search on: National-Kissing-Statistics
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