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Search Results For "lives"
Women 'diet for a decade'
Women spend a decade of their lives on a diet, according to the results of a new survey.
search on: Women-diet-decade
Women 'don't want male breadwinners'
The idea that the man should be the main "breadwinner" in a household is on the wane, according to a new poll which reveals that women are becoming increasingly self-sufficient.
search on: Women-dont-want-male-breadwinners
Usher declares love for his wife
Media speculation is suggesting that Usher's marriage is on the rocks, but the R&B star has declared his love for his wife on a US talk show.
search on: Usher-declares-love-wife
The rise of the happy singleton
More and more women are taking control of their lives and doing what they want with it – whether that's getting into a relationship or staying single, according to a new report.
search on: rise-happy-singleton
Lucky dates prove popular for weddings
So you have finally found your Mr or Miss Right and you've decided you're going to spend the rest of your lives with each other – now it's time to find that perfect date to tie the knot...
search on: Lucky-dates-prove-popular-weddings
Watching sunsets 'most romantic' pastime
Watching a sunset snuggled up to your loved one is the most romantic pastime, according to a survey of British couples.
search on: Watching-sunsets-'most-romantic'-pastime
Women's love of fashion leaves them open to ID the
Women just can't live without their handbags and, for many, their whole lives are contained therein.
search on: Womens-love-fashion-leaves-them-ID
Women 'have more sexual partners'
The average woman has had more sexual partners than the average man, according to a new survey which has turned gender stereotypes on their heads.
search on: Women-'have-more-sexual-partners'
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