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Search Results For "turned"
Women 'turned on' by men's sweaty pits
The smell of men's sweat turns women on, according to a new scientific study.
search on: Women-'turned-on'-by-men-sweaty-pits
Study challenges stereotype of insatiable male
A new book is challenging conventional wisdom by claiming there are times when a man does not want sex.
search on: Study-challenges-stereotype-insatiable-male
Love at first sight for hapless robber
It was love at first sight for one lovestruck thief who fell for the cashier at the bank he was robbing, according to reports.
search on: Love-at-first-sight-hapless-robber
Natalie Imbruglia dating Branson's son?
Australian soap star turned singer Natalia Imbruglia is smitten with billionaire Richard Branson's son, according to media reports.
search on: Natalie-Imbruglia-dating-Branson-son?
The peacock dating game
Female peacocks are really not that impressed by their males' beautiful plume, according to new scientific research.
search on: The-peacock-dating-game
Women 'have more sexual partners'
The average woman has had more sexual partners than the average man, according to a new survey which has turned gender stereotypes on their heads.
search on: Women-'have-more-sexual-partners'
Modern technology and the dating game
Modern technology is helping modern consumers out in the dating game, according to new research.
search on: Modern-technology-dating-game
Bride hitches a lift with police to her Big Day
A bride turned up for her wedding in a police car – but she had not been nicked, but rather saved by the Boys in Blue.
search on: Bride-hitches-a-lift-with-police-Big-Day
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