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Search Results For "once"
Divorce reduces chances of successful future love
After separating or divorcing, the chances of marrying or cohabiting again in the future decrease, new research has revealed.
search on: Divorce-reduces-chances-successful-future-love
Today's young women - catch them if you can
Young women today are said to fall into four categories and determining what type of woman you have your eye is can help you decide the ideal date to woo her.
search on: Todays-young-women---catch-them-if-can
What women want
Men have been trying to figure out what it is that women want for centuries, but the release of a new book could help them find the answers.
search on: What-women
Nadine hot for Hollywood Hartnett?
Could there be a more beautiful couple? Girls Aloud beauty Nadine Coyle is rumoured to be dating Hollywood hunk Josh Hartnett.
search on: Nadine-hot-Hollywood-Hartnett?
Hips not you, it's me
A woman's swaying hips can actually serve to ward off the attentions of men, a new study has revealed.
search on: Hips-you--its
Marriage lives on
Despite the dramatic increase in divorce rates and the number of couples who live together without being married has led many to wonder whether 'til death do us part' still applies.
search on: Marriage-lives
Couples taking baby-making holidays
The latest hot travel trend sweeping the nation is procreation holidays.
search on: Couples-taking-baby-making-holidays
Couple get leap year anniversary
A young couple have discovered that their chosen wedding day will mean they only get to celebrate their anniversary once every four years.
search on: Couple-get-leap-year-anniversary
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