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Search Results For "wed"
Couple writes 760 letters to each other
Many believe that email and text messages have killed off the art of letter writing, and this may very well be the case. Who knows how mediums such as these would have affected the seven-decade romanc...
search on: Couple-writes-760-letters-each-other
Couple tie knot for third time lucky
A couple have got married for the third time in 35 years.
search on: Couple-tie-knot-third-time-lucky
It's all about the gaze
You can boost how much people are attracted to you by the way you look at them, according to a new study.
search on: Its-gaze
Top honeymoon cities
A survey by has revealed the world's top city destinations for honeymooners, ready to soak up the romance of their first weeks of marital life.
search on: Top-honeymoon-cities
Groom's brother steps in at wedding
The younger brother of the groom at a wedding in India recently ended up marrying the bride.
search on: Grooms-brother-steps-wedding
Dog and man wed
A man from India has married a dog following the advice on an astrologer.
search on: Dog-wed
Couple get leap year anniversary
A young couple have discovered that their chosen wedding day will mean they only get to celebrate their anniversary once every four years.
search on: Couple-get-leap-year-anniversary
Couple prepare to become UK's oldest newlyweds
Following a romantic love affair, a couple are making plans to become the UK's oldest newlyweds.
search on: Couple-prepare-become-UK-oldest-newlyweds
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