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Search Results For "happy"
British women 'are body-confident'
Contrary to popular belief, British women are happy with their weight, according to shock new survey results.
search on: British-women-'are-body-confident'
The rise of the happy singleton
More and more women are taking control of their lives and doing what they want with it – whether that's getting into a relationship or staying single, according to a new report.
search on: rise-happy-singleton
Men happier than women in midlife
Middle-aged women are not as happy as middle-aged men, according to new scientific research.
search on: Men-happier-women-midlife
Duffy: I'm happy being single
She may be topping the charts with her tuneful melodies, but Welsh singer Duffy said she is not ready to get into a serious relationship.
search on: Duffy:-I'm-happy-being-single
Newlyweds unhappy with wedding gifts
While they might love each other, newlyweds hate the presents their friends and family buy them, according to a new study.
search on: Newlyweds-unhappy-with-wedding-gifts
Modern technology and the dating game
Modern technology is helping modern consumers out in the dating game, according to new research.
search on: Modern-technology-dating-game
Shopping 'burns off calories'
The men in their lives may not be happy to hear it, but women are being encouraged to indulge in more retail therapy because it helps them lose weight.
search on: Shopping-burns-off-calories
Wedding singer finds love
A singer who has helped to entertain hundreds of couples on their wedding day has found a true love of her own.
search on: Wedding-singer-finds-love
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